Monday, July 21, 2014

Moments: A Rainy Day

Recognizing the moments that make my life beautiful!
"The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain."
--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
It's been super hot and humid here for the past few days here.  Hot is normal for the middle of summer in Idaho.  Humid and muggy is not so common. 
I was feeling heavy and hot...maybe a little cranky. 
I was more aware of the stress of my every day life and feeling it more in this sticky heat.
And then it rained.
A lot.
The kind of downpour that washes the heat away and turns crankiness into playfulness and child-like wonder.
We watched the raindrops fall when I happily remembered that my children have never had the experience of playing in the rain! 
So, I opened the door and let them loose!

There was very little hesitation.  They knew what to do with the water falling from the sky!
They danced and laughed and sang and played...

...I joined them and thoroughly enjoyed the moment of freedom and peace.
Was I feeling stress a few minutes ago? 

Once we discovered the river in the gutter, we dove right in. 
No worries about the mud.  No worries about getting our clothes wet.
No worries.


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