Friday, March 30, 2012

Pink or Blue?

I know, I know...this seems a bit sudden.

I mean, really, I just told you there is a new baby coming and now it's already time to find out what kind of baby I'm cooking!

Well, it's sudden to you...I've been waiting for this moment for a few months now.

That's right.  It's ultrasound time! 

Just for fun, I like to take votes and guesses.  What do you think it will be? 

Here are some facts that may or may not help:
  • The fetal heart rate hasn't dropped below 140.
  • I was sick, but not super sick; mostly just nauseous. 
  • I am exhausted.
  • I was starving during the first trimester, hungry now, but food has no appeal. 
  • I am craving fruits and salad more than chocolate (who'd have ever guessed I would prefer anything over chocolate?!).
  • The Chinese calander is predicting a boy.
  • My instinct says it's a boy (but, please, don't put much stock in my instincts.  I've guessed boy with both of my girls!)
  • I will win the race for a boy on The Mister's side of the family if it is a boy.  So far, we have only girls on that side.  I think I would win some awesome bragging rights or something!  =)
Ok.  I hope that helps.

Guess away! 

You have until Monday at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern)...Well, a little after that.  You have until I get home and get on my computer and announce the winner.

Oh, and I should mention, that I will put those who guess right into a drawing for a small prize (candy counts as a prize, right?)!  Good luck!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Strawberry Sprite Floats



I haven't been able to get enough of them lately.  I walk by them in the grocery store and I just can't seem to stop myself from putting them in the cart!

O loves them just as much as me (L likes them sometimes, but mostly just gives them to me...sweet girl!), so we have been having them with our meals a lot.

The other night, inspiration struck...

Let me share with you.

I took a few strawberries and coarsely chopped them up.  
I put them in a bowl and sprinkled a little bit of sugar on top (to bring out the juices).  Then I let them sit for about 20 minutes (to bring out the juices =)).

After dinner, I put a scoop (maybe 2) of vanilla ice cream into a cup. 
(You know where this is going, right?)

I put a generous spoonful of strawberries on top...

And then poured Sprite over the whole thing! 

Oh yeah.

It was good.

I'm linking this up with some of my favorites!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A heart to heart and the disappearance of my toes


I've missed you.

I am sorry for my long absence and I feel like I owe you a bit of an explanation.

Have you ever hit a wall?  I don't mean like a little tap with your hand or a small kick with your foot.  I mean a full on slam into a wall at running speed.

And, I'm talking figuratively here.

I hit a wall.  A rather big one.  I should have seen it coming.  But I didn't.

With my husband in school, 2 young girls, 2 Church callings, a job, and a home to keep, I have a very full plate.  On top of that, life sometimes just gets hard and sometimes the trials it brings are almost unbearable.

I hit that wall and had to take some time to recover and regroup.

Here's another analogy.  My mom and I used to hike a lot in the mountains behind her house.  It was good exercise and a good stress reliever and good Mommy/Daughter time.  I loved those hikes and I miss them terribly.

The highest point we could hike to we affectionately called "Heart Attack Hill."  That was a doozy of a hike, but well worth it.  Once we reached the top we could sit and see for miles and miles and miles in simple peace and quiet.  I have only made it up there a handful of times, but it is still one of my favorite places in the whole world.

But, I digress.  To get to the top of Heart Attack, you have to hike up a few smaller hills, each one getting gradually steeper and a little more challenging.  There is one point in particular that sits in my memory as a really, really, really, really hard climb.  The slope is so steep, you feel that if you lean backwards just slightly you'll go tumbling down the hill.  And, to make it worse, because it is so steep it is deceptive.  There is a point where you look ahead and see what looks like the top.  But when you get to that point, you find it is just a small ledge and you still have a few more feet to go.

Oh, and by the way, this point in the path is only about 40 feet long.

So, in my memory, I can see my mom and I struggling up this hill, practically crawling.  We were both in fairly good shape at the time, but still we had to stop every 5 minutes or so to rest and encourage each other to keep climbing.  We would sit until we could breathe normally again and then we would get up and move on until, finally, hand in hand, we reached the top.  It was exhilarating and exhausting.

That's where I am now.  I feel like I am starting to catch my breath.  I'm recovering, I'm regrouping, and I'm now getting back up and starting my hike back up.

I want to get back into blogging.  I have missed it so, and I get a lot of stress relief from the projects that I create.

Here's the thing, though.  I won't allow this blog to stress me out.  I have enough stress in my life.  This is my release.

I will post my crafts when I have them.  I won't post every day.  I will finally start working on the projects ideas I have been collecting for a couple of years now, which hopefully means I will be featuring some awesome bloggers and their tutorials.  I'm not going to worry so much about coming up with my own ideas.  =)  And, I'm not going to allow myself to feel guilty when I miss the holiday-specific crafts.  I'll get to them next year, or the year after that.

I may sometimes just post about my bad day, because, truth be told, I'm still very much in the midst of some pretty tough trials and I have bad days.  However, I am an optimist and I will always try to see the bright side and the Lord's hand in my life.  That's why I write.

I named this blog Creating Sarah because I want to use it to not only motivate myself to create crafts, but also create myself into the person I always hoped to be.  Hopefully, there will be more of that going on.

So, stick with me if you want to.  If you get bored of me, I won't be hurt if you leave.

I love that so many people that I don't know are following my little blog.  I want to make friends.  Please feel free to reach out to me, write to me, comment.  I'll reach back.

Ok.  I think that is enough babbling for now.

But I do have one more thing to share with you.

It has become apparent recently, that soon I will no longer be able to see my toes!  This may explain some of my stress as well.

This little issue is due to be resolved on August 19, 2012.